
                 Sharing God’s Love

Alternative Recovery Techniques (A.R.T.) at the New Mexico Men’s Recovery Academy and New Path Ministries at the New Mexico Women’s Recovery Academy.

Volunteers from Peralta Methodist Church travel to the recovery academies to offer several opportunities such as learning arts and crafts skills & devotion and prayer time to the residents there. The residents of the recovery academies are serving part of a judicial sentence, and they spend six months at the academy learning how to overcome substance addictions.
The main goal of the recovery academy ministry is to bring the love of Jesus to the men and women there, through example, teaching, and time together. Additionally, the A.R.T.s and New Path programs seek to build confidence and self-esteem in the residents and provide the residents with the opportunity to learn new hobbies and skills that can enrich their lives. Through the Each One Teach One method of instruction, those residents with art skills or practice are encouraged to teach their peers.

FOOD PANTRY MINISTRY – Sharing God’s word and His love by distributing food boxes to anyone in need.   Mondays from 9 am to 11:30 am  – but will be closed September 2nd for Labor Day.